Protection against the cold in the Grip heater


Electrical equipment

Young is strong in the cold, but the middle-aged winter Motorcycles is tough.

I tried a lot of cold protection measures,Thick Gore-Tex gloves, handle cover, knuckle guard…

But a grip heater was most suitable for cold protection.

Although wiring of taking into account the rain is troublesome,It is a necessary custom for the local person with the cold season.


If there is a budget temperature adjustable type is good.

If you are beginner you recommend installing in motorcycle shop.

This is because it prevents wiring it and from short-circuiting,

It will fail and the beginner would be treated appropriately to get the power from the easy place.

A wiring shortstop would be the worst affair in rain in a winter.


The best is handle cover + cotton work gloves + grip heaters.

A grip heater, as it was installed, for, effect insufficiency and the practical use become important.

The outside is too cold by use by a bare hand,But do not feel the warmth of the heating in thick gloves.

Therefore attach the handle cover,It burns too hot in the handle cover grip heater bare hands.

Let’s use cotton work gloves by all means.

CIMG1155 CIMG1187

The disadvantage of the handle cover is the design and controllability.

And the handle cover theft occurs in the winter.

I was fixed to grip with bar ends a hole in the eyelet in the handle cover.

But does not adjust the bar ends this way, Axel will be harder to controllability Axel.

Let’s make the design which difficult to steal.

The combination of Feet warm air duct to grip heater, it becomes more comfortable winter motorcycle life.

Feet warm air duct is here

Power supply to be worried about

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I got a power supply from a headlight at the time of the first Installation.

But there is a problem with the time of a power supply shortstop, so it’s changed to a fuse power supply.

I recommend the installation in the motorcycle shop.

Because I think the power supply taking part of a grip heater is different in that depending on motorcycle and product makers.

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