battery charging and battery-less


Electrical equipment

A battery will weaken in a winter.

Vehicle equipped with a grip heater, it is important to charge the battery.

I’m using a charger of  4000 yen

CIMG2479 CIMG2480

Charge of the outdoors is dangerous in the sense for a variety of reasons. Battery Let charging indoors.

Mounting of the grip heater is here


Start from the negative, ending in negative

If you want to charge the battery This is the basic.

Disconnect the negative terminal, then disconnect the positive terminal.

When installing, connect the positive terminal first. Then connect the negative terminal.


battery terminal positive is red

battery terminal negative is black

Let’s wait until the battery fully charged.

Charge by how much period?

I do not have decided the period.

If the custom and repair, there is a need for more than one hour,And the incidentally battery charge in that case.

For this reason, there is also a period of time that does not charge, and I do not think the full charge.

at least , Motorcycle is charged during operation running.

However, in the case of a vehicle in which the head light is ON all the time,I think, regular charging by the charger.

Power Charger effect in the idling state would be better not to think too much.

Maybe, not be covered all of the vehicle in the amount of power generation in the idling state.

Engine start-up by a battery-less

When the battery mounted is the normal voltage of 14 ~ 15V. It is about 9V is a battery-less kick starting engine.


Power supply priority when trial run line in this state is a spark plug,Headlights weakly emission. Impossible to use the direction indicator, It can not also be sound the horn.

By the way, even if all electrical equipment ON, the engine did not stop.

Battery-less scooter is considered for the race.

So if you want to to the battery-less, build a battery-less dedicated system.

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Electrical equipment
